Ethiopia is the 4th country in the world by number of maternal deaths.
In the Salesian mission of Adwa, 11% of children, teachers, workers died of treatable diseases in the first 15 years of activity.
Sister Laura Girotto and sisters started the construction of a new hospital, supported by the Friends of Adwa non-profit association and supported by volunteer doctors from ASPOS and AMOA.
Amici di Adwa onlus association was born in Cento (FE) in 1998 with the aim of bringing help to the populations of Ethiopia and in particular to the city of Adwa, where the Salesian mission Kidane Mehret was founded by Sister Laura Girotto.
After the construction of schools of all levels and the support of thousands of children through long distance adoption, since 2008 the association has been committed to raising funds for the construction and start-up of a new hospital, due to the chronic shortcomings of the system Ethiopian health care and severe infant and maternal mortality.
Visit Amici di Adwa association website >
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